Transportation Master Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Thank you for your participation! To view the final Transportation Master Plan, visit the right side menu under documents.

The County of Brant has initiated an update to the County's Transportation Master Plan. The update is a comprehensive and multi-year planning exercise, in conjunction with the development of the new Official Plan. The new Official Plan was launched in November 2019 and is in process of being finalized.

The Transportation Master Plan will:

  • Include an inclusive multi-modal transportation system that safely and reliably connects the places where we live, work and play.
  • Set the strategic direction for developing the County’s

Thank you for your participation! To view the final Transportation Master Plan, visit the right side menu under documents.

The County of Brant has initiated an update to the County's Transportation Master Plan. The update is a comprehensive and multi-year planning exercise, in conjunction with the development of the new Official Plan. The new Official Plan was launched in November 2019 and is in process of being finalized.

The Transportation Master Plan will:

  • Include an inclusive multi-modal transportation system that safely and reliably connects the places where we live, work and play.
  • Set the strategic direction for developing the County’s transportation system and providing the infrastructure to support growth;
  • Identify the transportation facilities and services that the County of Brant requires to serve the projected future population;
  • Support the growth management strategies of the Official Plan, give policy direction and inform development patterns and long-range financial planning; and
  • Develop policies and guidelines for all modes of transportation in the County, including walking, cycling, goods movement and auto travel, and support rail, public transportation and aviation services.

What We Heard from Public Meeting #1

A virtual public meeting was held on Thursday March 31, 2022 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Presentation slides are available on the right hand side (titled March 2022 - Presentation slides).

Results from the feedback received to the interactive map and online survey conducted as part of
Public Meeting #1 can generally be grouped into the following themes:

• Congestion in Downtown Paris, especially along Grand River Street and William Street;
• Support to build a bypass around Paris as a response to growth, congestion and truck movements;
• Concerns about trucks traveling through Paris, as well as other safety concerns regarding
trucks on specific road segments;
• Walking and cycling are important modes—supporting related infrastructure in both urban
and rural settings is an important action that can promote healthy and connected communities and
enhance safety;
• General interest among respondents to implement transit service throughout the County,
connecting major communities and the City of Brantford; and
• General interest among respondents to expand regional transit connections to the City of
Brantford, the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, the Region of Waterloo and Niagara Falls.

Update - October 2022

The County of Brant has completed its Transportation Master Plan update.

The Plan recommends solutions that respond to the following needs and opportunities:

  • Rapid growth: Meet the needs of existing and future travel demand
  • Localized issues: Improve road network safety and operations
  • Goods movement: Ensure efficient goods movement
  • Active transportation: Make active transportation more attractive
  • Public transit: Grow transit connections and coverage within, to and from the County of Brant

What we learned 

Two rounds of consultation were held throughout the study, including a public survey, live public meeting and two stakeholder meetings. Feedback received shaped the Plan and ensures solutions meaningfully respond to local desires, which highlighted an interest in:

  • Improved safety and road operations
  • Support for cycling connections
  • Improved transit
  • The need to respond to congestion in and around Paris

The draft Transportation Master Plan Summary Report was presented to Council on September 27, 2022. The County of Brant hosted a public review period from November 1, 2022 to December 9, 2022. 

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This study is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment manual, (October 2000, as amended 2007, 2011 and 2015), which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act.

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Transportation Master Plan Map

over 1 year

Please let us know of any recurring transportation issues you experience or suggestions for transportation improvements at specific locations by placing a pin on the map and leaving a comment.

You can add a pin by clicking on the + icon to the left of this message. 

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.