Onondaga Ball Park Retrofit
About this project
The Onondaga Ball Park Retrofit concept plan was prepared using community feedback that was gathered in the fall of 2019 and influenced by feedback received in 2022. As the ball diamond has not been actively used in this neighbourhood for some time, new elements have been proposed for this central park in the village of Onondaga.
The concept embraces the historical and cultural identity of Onondaga while offering a variety of experiences in the park. Subject to budget approval, the updated park retrofit budget for this project is $325,000.
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About this project
The Onondaga Ball Park Retrofit concept plan was prepared using community feedback that was gathered in the fall of 2019 and influenced by feedback received in 2022. As the ball diamond has not been actively used in this neighbourhood for some time, new elements have been proposed for this central park in the village of Onondaga.
The concept embraces the historical and cultural identity of Onondaga while offering a variety of experiences in the park. Subject to budget approval, the updated park retrofit budget for this project is $325,000.
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Thank you attendees of the November 2023 Public Meeting Update
Share Thank you attendees of the November 2023 Public Meeting Update on Facebook Share Thank you attendees of the November 2023 Public Meeting Update on Twitter Share Thank you attendees of the November 2023 Public Meeting Update on Linkedin Email Thank you attendees of the November 2023 Public Meeting Update linkThe Onondaga Ball Park Retrofit Open House held on Monday November 13, invited community members to attend and share their thoughts and opinions for the park. With the understanding that people experience parks in various ways, productive discussions were had and there was general support and consensus for the following:
- Expansion of the playground to include a preschool play area;
- Removal of the existing “Jax” feature and the installation of a new small climber with slide and a spring animal;
- Inclusion of a wood timber shade structure that is smaller than the 24’ structure proposed;
- Inclusion of a sport court with basketball and pickleball, but reduced in size;
- Reduction in the amount of walking paths, but having a loop available is preferable; and
- Trees and other vegetation is valued.
View the Open House presentation.
Thank you to all who attended the open house and provided input. Your feedback is valued and we look forward to incorporating it into the final design.
We continue to invite community feedback through the online quick poll until December 1, at 4:30 pm and will share the final park features by the end of December 2023.
November 2023: Onondaga Park Update
Share November 2023: Onondaga Park Update on Facebook Share November 2023: Onondaga Park Update on Twitter Share November 2023: Onondaga Park Update on Linkedin Email November 2023: Onondaga Park Update linkInfluenced by community feedback received in 2022, the concept plan has been updated to include features such as:
- Formalized primary entry feature
- Paved walking loop
- Landscape islands with decorative planting and sculptures
- Shade pavilion and seating area
- Expanded play area with preschool playhouse
- Replacement of existing Jax with small climber and spring animal
- Multi-use sport court (full court basketball and pickle ball)
- Small skate park feature (pump track separated from main pathway)
- Site furnishings (benches, waste/recycling receptacles, etc.)
- Additional trees and perennial plantings
- Replacement fencing
View the updated conceptual plan for more details.
Please be aware that not all features displayed on the updated plan are feasible with the given budget so we would like to know what features are most important to you.
Engage with us
Join us on Monday, November 13 from 6:30-8:00pm at Onondaga Community Centre, 42 Brantford Street, in Onondaga, for a Public Meeting to learn about the feedback received in 2022 and the updates made as a result.
If you're not able to attend the the Public Meeting, please take a moment to have your say by completing our online quick poll.
Engagement closes Friday, December 1, 2023 at 4:30 pm.
April 2022: Onondaga Ball Park Retrofit
Share April 2022: Onondaga Ball Park Retrofit on Facebook Share April 2022: Onondaga Ball Park Retrofit on Twitter Share April 2022: Onondaga Ball Park Retrofit on Linkedin Email April 2022: Onondaga Ball Park Retrofit linkThe Onondaga Ball Park Retrofit concept plan was prepared using community feedback that was gathered in the fall of 2019.
Proposed project elements included:
- A formalized primary entry with feature
- Paved walking loop
- Landscape islands with decorative planting and sculptures
- A shade trellis and seating area
- Expanded play area with preschool playhouse
- Refreshed multi-use court with new markings and basketball nets
- Site furnishings such as benches and waste/recycling receptacles
- Additional trees and perennial plantings
- Replacement fencing.
Please view the original conceptual plan for more details.
Follow Project
Engage with us: First Consultation
Onondaga Ball Park Retrofit has finished this stageThis consultation is open for contributions. Consultation will close Friday, June 17
Under Review
Onondaga Ball Park Retrofit has finished this stageContributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.
Engage with us: Second Consultation
Onondaga Ball Park Retrofit has finished this stageHave your say at the in-person Public Meeting on November 13 or through our online poll.
Engagement closes Friday, December 1, 2023 at 4:30 pm.
Engagement is now closed: Thank you for participating!
Onondaga Ball Park Retrofit is currently at this stageDecember 2023 - Contributions to this project are now closed for review. We will share what we heard from the community and report on key outcomes.
Be the first to receive updates on this project by subscribing to this page.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for Onondaga Ball Park RetrofitA summary of what we heard as well as project outcomes are available on this page.
Key Dates
November 13 2023
June 13 2022
Open House Presentation_November 13 2023 .pdf (4.77 MB) (pdf)
Public Notice Onondaga Ball Park November 2023 Update (10.8 MB) (pdf)
Onondaga_ConceptualPlan_2023_November.pdf (19.6 MB) (pdf)
Onondaga Retrofit Conceptual Plan 2022 (54.9 MB) (pdf)
Public Notice - Onondaga Ball Park Retrofit.pdf (1.71 MB) (pdf)
Who's Listening
Phone 519-44BRANT (519-442-7268) Email kathy.ballantyne@brant.ca -
Phone 519-44BRANT (519-442-7268) Email megan.thomas@brant.ca