Thank you for participating and sharing your voice!

A very special Thank You to everyone who attended our in-person sessions and participated in this important initiative by completing the survey. Your input, energy, and ideas have been inspiring. It's clear how much County of Brant residents care about their community!

What we heard

Some key themes we heard are summarized below.

Preferred Methods of Engagement:

  • Online tools, such as surveys and polls, were the most popular way to provide feedback.
  • In-person events also received significant interest, but accessibility and timing were highlighted as areas to improve.

Information Channels:

  • Many participants prefer email notifications, the County of Brant Facebook page, and newsletters (both print and digital) for updates about engagement opportunities.
  • Community members value updates on construction schedules, road closures, and other timely topics.

Barriers to Engagement:

  • A lack of awareness about opportunities and concerns about whether feedback influences decisions were common barriers.
  • Accessibility issues, such as timing and methods of engagement, were also noted.

What You Want to Know:

  • Respondents highlighted the importance of learning about project timelines, budget information, and the potential community impacts of County projects.
  • Updates on final outcomes were considered critical to closing the loop on engagement.

Topics of Interest:

  • Popular topics include infrastructure, public services (garbage pick-up, snow removal, etc.), community safety, and recreational programming.

Positive Feedback:

  • Participants appreciated the County’s efforts to provide multiple platforms for engagement, such as Engage Brant, newsletters, and social media updates.
  • Many valued the transparency and the ability to participate in shaping policies and projects.

Suggested Improvements:

  • Share results from surveys and engagement sessions more openly to demonstrate their impact on decisions.
  • Make information easier to find on the County’s website.
  • Provide more advance notice for engagement events and ensure multiple opportunities to participate.

Read the complete Survey Responses Report posted in the documents section on this page.

Next Steps

We are currently preparing a report that will be presented to Council in February that will incorporate your insights and present the draft Public Engagement Framework and Policy, ensuring future engagement is more inclusive and impactful.

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This project is complete and final documents have been posted to the page. Thank you for your participation!

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