Shape the Future of Engagement in Brant

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This project is complete and final documents have been posted to the page. Thank you for your participation!

Scroll down to see the project news feed of information including a timeline of events, supporting information, and more.

Hi Neighbours

We’re building a Public Engagement Framework and Policy, and your voice is essential!

This framework will guide how the County of Brant connects with you on important decisions about polices, services, and projects that play a part in your everyday life here in the County. Your involvement ensures that decisions reflect the real needs, concerns, and values of the County of Brant.

We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, and opinions to help us build a better Brant for everyone. Whether you’re a longtime resident, new to the community, a business owner, or community organization, we invite you to join the conversation on how we can better connect and engage with you. Let’s work together to make Brant an even more vibrant place to live, work, and play!


We have included a list of frequently asked questions to help answer some questions you may have.

What’s Next?

After gathering community feedback, we’ll use your insights to shape the Public Engagement Framework and Policy. We’ll share the results so you can see how your input makes a difference. Stay tuned for updates—because this is just the beginning of the conversation!

Stay informed

Scroll down to see the project news feed of information including opportunities to engage, a timeline of events, supporting information, and more.

Subscribe for updates and be the first to learn more about this project. Add your email to the Stay Informed box on this page and click ‘Subscribe'.

Scroll down to see the project news feed of information including a timeline of events, supporting information, and more.

Hi Neighbours

We’re building a Public Engagement Framework and Policy, and your voice is essential!

This framework will guide how the County of Brant connects with you on important decisions about polices, services, and projects that play a part in your everyday life here in the County. Your involvement ensures that decisions reflect the real needs, concerns, and values of the County of Brant.

We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, and opinions to help us build a better Brant for everyone. Whether you’re a longtime resident, new to the community, a business owner, or community organization, we invite you to join the conversation on how we can better connect and engage with you. Let’s work together to make Brant an even more vibrant place to live, work, and play!


We have included a list of frequently asked questions to help answer some questions you may have.

What’s Next?

After gathering community feedback, we’ll use your insights to shape the Public Engagement Framework and Policy. We’ll share the results so you can see how your input makes a difference. Stay tuned for updates—because this is just the beginning of the conversation!

Stay informed

Scroll down to see the project news feed of information including opportunities to engage, a timeline of events, supporting information, and more.

Subscribe for updates and be the first to learn more about this project. Add your email to the Stay Informed box on this page and click ‘Subscribe'.

This project is complete and final documents have been posted to the page. Thank you for your participation!

  • County of Brant Approves New Community Engagement Framework and Policy

    Share County of Brant Approves New Community Engagement Framework and Policy on Facebook Share County of Brant Approves New Community Engagement Framework and Policy on Twitter Share County of Brant Approves New Community Engagement Framework and Policy on Linkedin Email County of Brant Approves New Community Engagement Framework and Policy link

    The County of Brant has taken a significant step toward strengthening community engagement with the approval of its new Community Engagement Framework and Policy at the February 5 Policy Development Committee meeting. This framework outlines a transparent, inclusive, and accessible approach to engaging with members of the public, ensuring meaningful opportunities for community input on County decisions.

    The Community Engagement Framework and Policy was developed with direct input from the community, it is supported by best practices and aligns with the County’s recently approved strategic goals.

    “This new framework demonstrates our commitment to engaging with our community in meaningful ways,” said County of Brant Mayor, David Bailey. “The County of Brant is growing, and it is more important than ever that our residents feel heard and have the opportunity to participate in shaping the future of our community. I encourage everyone to get involved and learn more about community engagement is Brant.”

    The framework is guided by core principles, introduces clear levels of engagement, and aims to create better awareness regarding how decisions are made in the County of Brant. It also supports County staff in consistently designing, planning, and delivering meaningful engagement opportunities to better connect with residents.

    “The approval of this framework is a milestone for the County of Brant,” said County of Brant Public Consultation Specialist, Dana Steane. “Public engagement is about building trust, promoting transparency, and ensuring that everyone in the community has meaningful opportunities to contribute to decision-making. This framework and policy provide the guidance needed to make that happen.”

    The approved Community Engagement Framework and Policy are provided on this page. You can also learn more about Community Engagement in the County and ways to engage by visiting

  • Thank you for participating and sharing your voice!

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    A very special Thank You to everyone who attended our in-person sessions and participated in this important initiative by completing the survey. Your input, energy, and ideas have been inspiring. It's clear how much County of Brant residents care about their community!

    What we heard

    Some key themes we heard are summarized below.

    Preferred Methods of Engagement:

    • Online tools, such as surveys and polls, were the most popular way to provide feedback.
    • In-person events also received significant interest, but accessibility and timing were highlighted as areas to improve.

    Information Channels:

    • Many participants prefer email notifications, the County of Brant Facebook page, and newsletters (both print and digital) for updates about engagement opportunities.
    • Community members value updates on construction schedules, road closures, and other timely topics.

    Barriers to Engagement:

    • A lack of awareness about opportunities and concerns about whether feedback influences decisions were common barriers.
    • Accessibility issues, such as timing and methods of engagement, were also noted.

    What You Want to Know:

    • Respondents highlighted the importance of learning about project timelines, budget information, and the potential community impacts of County projects.
    • Updates on final outcomes were considered critical to closing the loop on engagement.

    Topics of Interest:

    • Popular topics include infrastructure, public services (garbage pick-up, snow removal, etc.), community safety, and recreational programming.

    Positive Feedback:

    • Participants appreciated the County’s efforts to provide multiple platforms for engagement, such as Engage Brant, newsletters, and social media updates.
    • Many valued the transparency and the ability to participate in shaping policies and projects.

    Suggested Improvements:

    • Share results from surveys and engagement sessions more openly to demonstrate their impact on decisions.
    • Make information easier to find on the County’s website.
    • Provide more advance notice for engagement events and ensure multiple opportunities to participate.

    Read the complete Survey Responses Report posted in the documents section on this page.

    Next Steps

    We are currently preparing a report that will be presented to Council in February that will incorporate your insights and present the draft Public Engagement Framework and Policy, ensuring future engagement is more inclusive and impactful.

  • Engage with us!

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    For your convenience

    • Complete the online survey for your chance to win County of Brant swag and a bouquet of gift cards! Survey closes Monday, November 25 at 4:30 pm.
    • Prefer a printed survey? Stop by the main County of Brant Customer Service locations to pick up a copy until Monday, November 25 at 4:30 pm.
    • You can also complete the survey over the phone by calling 519.44BRANT (519.442.7268) or 1.855.44BRANT (1.855.442.7268).
    • Post your ideas about what we can do to improve engagement in the County of Brant.
    • Have a question about engagement, the engagement framework, or policy? Let us know.

    You could even win County of Brant swag and a bouquet of gift cards!


    Join us to:

    • Share your thoughts on how we can improve public engagement in the County and take a survey
    • Chat with County of Brant Public Engagement and Communications staff
    • Enjoy refreshments
    Event Date Time Location
    Let's talk about engagement in the County: Open House

    Tuesday, November 12 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm Wincey Mills Market
    31 Mechanic Street, Paris
    Coffee and Conversations: A senior's perspective on engagement in the County Wednesday, November 13 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Syl Apps Community Centre
    51 William Street, Paris
    Coffee and Community Conversations: Shape the Future of Engagement in Brant Saturday, November 16 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Burford Community Centre,
    Mary Lowes Room
    14 Potter Drive, Burford
    Monday, November 18 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm TF Warren Group Cainsville Community Centre, Renway Room
    15 Ewart Avenue, Cainsville
    Saturday, November 23 10:00 am to 12:00 pm County of Brant Library - St. George Branch
    78 Main St North, St. George

    Engagement closes on Monday, November 25 at 4:30 pm.