General Questions

    Why does the County of Brant need a Community Safety and Well-being Plan?

    The plan is a legislated requirement in Ontario under the Community Safety and Policing Act. More importantly, it provides a framework to proactively address social issues, improve public safety, and enhance well-being for all residents.

    Why is the County updating the Community Safety and Well-being Plan?

    Community needs evolve, and new challenges emerge. The current plan (2021-2025) needs to be revised to reflect changing community needs and priorities. Updating the plan ensures it remains relevant, effective, and aligned with emerging issues and opportunities.

    Why is public input important in shaping the Community Safety and Well-being Plan?

    Public input ensures the plan reflects real community needs and priorities rather than assumptions. Community involvement helps keep the plan accountable and ensures it remains community-driven. By staying informed and sharing feedback, residents can help shape a safer, healthier future for everyone in the community.

    How will this plan be updated?

    Developing this plan will include:

    • Listening to the community – We want to hear from you! Community engagement will help us understand the challenges and strengths in Brant.
    • Identifying what’s already in place – Looking at existing programs and services that support safety and well-being.
    • Finding gaps and risks – Understanding where services need to be improved, promoted, or expanded.
    • Updating the action plan – Setting goals and steps to address community needs.

    What are the benefits of a Community Safety and Well-being Plan?

    • Enhanced communication and collaboration among sectors, agencies and organizations;
    • Transformation of service delivery, including realignment of resources and responsibilities to better respond to priorities and needs;
    • Increased understanding of and focus on local risks and vulnerable groups;
    • Ensuring the appropriate services are provided to those individuals with complex needs;
    • Increased awareness, coordination of and access to services for community members and vulnerable groups;
    • Healthier, more productive individuals that positively contribute to the community; and
    • Reducing the financial burden of crime on society through cost-effective approaches with significant return on investments.

    What are the requirements for the Community Safety and Well-being Plan process?

    A Community Safety and Well-being Plan must include the following core information:

    • Local priority risk factors that have been identified based on community consultations and multiple sources of data, such as Statistics Canada and local sector-specific data;
    • Evidence-based programs and strategies to address those priority risk factors; and
    • Measurable outcomes with associated performance measures to ensure that the strategies are effective and outcomes are being achieved.

    Why did the Government of Ontario mandate a Community Safety and Well-being Plan for municipalities?

    Community Safety and Well-being Plan planning is mandated to ensure a proactive and integrated approach to address local crime and complex social issues on a sustainable basis. Municipalities like the County of Brant, will have a leadership role in identifying their local priority risks in the community and addressing these risks through evidence-based programs and strategies, focusing on social development, prevention and risk intervention. It is important to remember that while the municipality is designated the lead of the Community Safety and Well-being Plan, developing and implementing the plan requires engagement from all sectors.

Mental Health, Wellness, and Substance Use Supports

    Who is affected by mental illness?

    Mental illness doesn’t discriminate—it can affect anyone across the County of Brant, regardless of age, gender, or background.

    Why does the plan prioritize mental health and addictions?

    Mental health and addictions affect many individuals and families in our community. Addressing these challenges reduces crises, improves access to support services, and enhances overall well-being.

    What does wellness mean?

    Wellness can be setting boundaries, seeking support, or simply making time for yourself. Wellness is about focusing on self-care and taking steps toward a healthier, happier you.

    Is substance use a personal choice?

    Substance use and addiction are complex health issues that affect the brain’s reward system, leading to compulsive behaviors despite harmful consequences. Substance use and addiction can affect anyone, regardless of age, income, or background.

    Why does the plan consider harm reduction strategies?

    Harm reduction strategies aim to reduce the health, social, and economic effects of substance use. These strategies prioritize health and safety while connecting individuals to support services. 

    Examples include wound care supplies, needle exchange programs, and overdose prevention training.

    Isn’t intimate partner violence or gender-based violence a private issue?

    No—it’s a community issue. Stigma and silence often prevent survivors from seeking help. The Community Safety and Well-being Plan promotes community education and anti-stigma campaigns to address this issue. The plan can also work promote intimate partner violence or gender-based violence services available to those who may be experiencing these issues.

Youth Empowerment and Opportunities

    Why is youth engagement for the plan a priority?

    Investing in youth helps build a safer and more engaged community. When young people have access to mentorship, employment opportunities, and safe recreational spaces, they are less likely to face negative social outcomes.

    How does youth engagement benefit and empower young people?

    When youth participate in engagement opportunities, they gain a voice in shaping decisions that impact their lives and community. Contributing their ideas and perspectives not only helps influence County initiatives but also builds their confidence, leadership skills, and sense of belonging. By being part of the decision-making process, youth feel empowered to create meaningful change and develop the skills needed to become active, engaged citizens.

Housing Affordability and Unhoused Supports

    Why is affordable housing a concern in the County of Brant?

    Housing prices and rental costs in the County of Brant, like many municipalities across Ontario, have been rising, making it harder for many people to find a home or housing they can afford. This affects everyone from seniors to young families.

    Isn’t homelessness a personal choice?

    Homelessness is often caused by systemic issues like lack of affordable housing, poverty, mental health challenges, and domestic violence. It can result from circumstances beyond an individual’s control, such as job loss, illness, or family breakdown.

    Does food insecurity affect residents in the County of Brant?

    Yes, many families in our community face food insecurity, struggling to access food and nutritious options. Many rely on food banks or community meals, particularly during winter months.

Connected and Safe Mobility

    What are some road safety tips to help make community streets safer?

    For Drivers: Slow down in school zones, obey posted speed limits, and avoid distractions like phone use.

    For Cyclists: Wear a helmet, use proper hand signals, and ensure visibility with lights and reflective gear.

    For Pedestrians: Use crosswalks, obey crossing guards, and make eye contact with drivers before crossing.

    Does the County of Brant have public transit?

    Yes, Brant Transit is a pre-booked, shared-ride public transportation service offering accessible options for residents. For more information, please visit

    What is Brant Safe Streets?

    Through the Brant Safe Streets program, the County of Brant works with the community to create safer roads through initiatives like ‘Kids at Play’ signs, the Pace Car program, traffic calming measures, Automated Speed Enforcement systems, and more. For more information, please visit

Community Belonging and Inclusion

    Why does belonging matter?

    When people feel safe, respected and valued, they are more likely to participate in community activities. Inclusive communities experience lower social isolation, better mental health, and improved well-being.

    Why does the plan address diversity, equity, and inclusion?

    An inclusive community is a stronger community. Addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion ensures that all residents—regardless of ability, background or identity—can fully participate in and benefit from County programs, services, and opportunities.

    What can I do to support community belonging?

    • Educate yourself on the County’s rich history, including Indigenous heritage.
    • Engage with others and participate in community events.
    • Support initiatives that promote inclusion and equity.

    What does accessibility mean?

    Accessibility is about more than ramps and elevators; it ensures:

    • Equity: Everyone has fair access to opportunities based on individual needs. Unlike equality, which treats everyone the same, equity focuses on providing the right tools and support so that everyone can succeed and fully participate in their community.
    • Innovation: Solutions work for all abilities.
    • Community: Spaces are welcoming to everyone.

    How are seniors being considered?

    An ‘age-friendly community’ ensures safety, affordable housing, transportation, and supportive community services. Social participation and connectedness contribute to better mental and physical health outcomes for seniors.

Collaboration and Long-Term Impact

    Why does the Community Safety and Well-being Plan focus on collaboration?

    No single organization can solve complex social issues alone. The plan brings together municipalities, service providers, law enforcement, community groups, and residents to create sustainable solutions.

    Why will this plan take time to see results?

    Many issues—such as mental health, social inclusion, and housing—require long-term solutions. The plan establishes a foundation for sustained progress over time.