Notice of Statutory Public Meeting: Proposed Amendment to the County of Brant Comprehensive Zoning By-law 61-16
Join County of Brant staff at a Statutory Public Meeting regarding a proposed amendment to the County of Brant Comprehensive Zoning By-law 61-16.
Date | Time | Location |
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 | 6:00 pm | County of Brant Council Chambers 7 Broadway Street West, Paris. Meetings can also be live-streamed on the County’s YouTube Channel at |
The agenda for the meeting can be viewed online at
In accordance with Section 34 of the Planning Act, the County of Brant is proposing to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 61-16 to help implement a new Backyard Hen program within the Non-Urban Residential Zones of the County. Non-Urban Residential Zone categories include Suburban Residential (SR), Residential Hamlets and Villages (RH), and Rural Residential (RR) Zones.
The amendment is municipally initiated to help facilitate a Council endorsed Backyard Hen program in the County. Minor changes are proposed to include a new definition for backyard hens, exclude backyard hens from being considered livestock and poultry as defined, and permit backyard hens in all Non-Urban Residential Zones, subject to the implementation of a new ‘Backyard Hen By-Law.’
The project can be referenced as file number ZBA26-24-JK. Additional project information and material are available on this page. Zoning of a property can be verified at
For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, please contact the designated staff for this project as listed below:
Jessica Kitchen – Planner, Policy Planning Division
66 Grand River St. N, Paris, ON. N3L 2M2
519.442.6324 ext. 3031 or 1.888.250.2296 Fax: 519.442.3461
How Can I Submit Comments?
Questions or comments can be submitted through this page or through a “written submission” via mail, e-mail, or transcribed message by staff up to 2:00 pm the day of the meeting. Please forward your submission to and
What Happens to Your Comments?
Feedback will be reviewed by staff and shared with Council to guide decisions about this By-Law. Under the Municipal Act, 2001, and MFIPPA, all submissions become part of the public record and may be posted on the County’s website or made available to the public.
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