Chickens in Residential Areas
In the County of Brant, livestock is currently restricted to agricultural areas and lots zoned agricultural, following specific guidelines and by-laws. This includes the keeping or raising of backyard chickens.
In November 2023 a completed staff report was presented to the Agricultural Advisory Committee and the Planning and Development Committee. The committee directed staff to investigate Option 3 of Staff’s report, Chickens in Residential Areas (RPT-0454-23), to permit chickens within all residential areas and zones subject to specific regulations specified by By-Law, licensing and property inspection, and public engagement prior to amendments taking effect.
We have includedContinue reading
In the County of Brant, livestock is currently restricted to agricultural areas and lots zoned agricultural, following specific guidelines and by-laws. This includes the keeping or raising of backyard chickens.
In November 2023 a completed staff report was presented to the Agricultural Advisory Committee and the Planning and Development Committee. The committee directed staff to investigate Option 3 of Staff’s report, Chickens in Residential Areas (RPT-0454-23), to permit chickens within all residential areas and zones subject to specific regulations specified by By-Law, licensing and property inspection, and public engagement prior to amendments taking effect.
We have included a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help answer some questions you may have about the project.
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Disclaimer: Agricultural areas of the County of Brant will be exempt from regulations, licensing program, and fees outlined within this report. Properties classified as farm property class lands pursuant to the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.31 are permitted to keep and raise livestock in accordance with Provincial Minimum Distance Setback (MDS) Guidelines, the County of Brant Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 61-16, County’s Animal Control By-Law 174-10, and building permit where applicable.
Notice of Passing of a Zoning By-Law Amendment - By-law Number 13-25 - Backyard Hen Program
Share Notice of Passing of a Zoning By-Law Amendment - By-law Number 13-25 - Backyard Hen Program on Facebook Share Notice of Passing of a Zoning By-Law Amendment - By-law Number 13-25 - Backyard Hen Program on Twitter Share Notice of Passing of a Zoning By-Law Amendment - By-law Number 13-25 - Backyard Hen Program on Linkedin Email Notice of Passing of a Zoning By-Law Amendment - By-law Number 13-25 - Backyard Hen Program linkTake notice that the Council of the Corporation of the County of Brant has passed By-law No. 13-25 on February 25th, 2025, pursuant to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended from time to time.
Additional Information:
A copy of the by-law and additional background materials are available for public inspection at the County of Brant Offices during regular business hours and online. For additional information, staff contact information is also provided with this notice.Purpose and Effect of the By-law:
The purpose and effect of By-law 13-25 is to amend the County of Brant Comprehensive Zoning By-law 61-16, as amended, to permit the keeping and raising of backyard hens within Non-Urban Residential Zones (Suburban Residential (SR), Rural Residential (RR), and Residential Hamlet (RH)) in accordance with the County’s Backyard Hen By-law. The amendment:- Introduces a definition for "Backyard Hen" that aligns with the County's Backyard Hen By-law.
- Amends the definitions of "Livestock" and "Poultry" to exclude backyard hens.
- Permits backyard hens as a use within the SR, RH, and RR zones.
Effect of Public Input:
Public input received during the consultation process included concerns regarding noise, waste management, and enforcement. Council considered this input and determined that appropriate regulations are in place within the Backyard Hen By-law to address these concerns.Appeal Information:
Any property owner who made an oral or written submission to the County of Brant before the by-law was passed may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) in respect of this by-law by filing with the Clerk of the County of Brant a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objection.
The last day for filing an appeal is: Tuesday, March 18th, 2025.Appeals must be accompanied by the applicable fee payable to the Minister of Finance and must be filed in accordance with the Tribunal's requirements. The appeal must be received by 4:00pm on the above noted date to be valid.
Dated in the County of Brant on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025.County of Brant
Development Services Department
Downtown Paris Customer Service Office
66 Grand River St. North
Paris ON, N3L 2M2
STAFF CONTACT: Brandon Kortleve, Manager of Policy Planning
MAIL: 66 Grand River St. N, Paris, ON. N3L 2M2
PHONE: (519)-442-6324 ext. 3012
Committee approves proposals for Chickens in Residential Areas project and directs staff to present to Council for final decision
Share Committee approves proposals for Chickens in Residential Areas project and directs staff to present to Council for final decision on Facebook Share Committee approves proposals for Chickens in Residential Areas project and directs staff to present to Council for final decision on Twitter Share Committee approves proposals for Chickens in Residential Areas project and directs staff to present to Council for final decision on Linkedin Email Committee approves proposals for Chickens in Residential Areas project and directs staff to present to Council for final decision linkOn February 4, 2025, County staff presented a draft 'Backyard Hen' By-Law', proposed changes to animal control and zoning regulations, a draft licensing form, and a suggested program fee to the Policy Development Committee. The Committee approved all proposals and directed staff to move forward with presenting them to Council for a final decision. View the staff report and all attachments in the documents section of this page.
In the coming weeks, County staff will finalize the by-laws and application form for the February 25, 2025 Council meeting. If approved, the by-laws will take effect after a 21-day appeal period for the zoning changes, and the Backyard Hen program will be launched in the County's Non-Urban Residential Zones in Spring 2025. These zones include Suburban Residential (SR), Residential Hamlets and Villages (RH), and Rural Residential (RR). To check the zoning of a property visit
Before keeping hens on a Non-Urban Residential property, certain regulations will need to be met, including submitting a licensing application, paying the program fee, and completing a property inspection.
More information and updates about the project will be available on this page as it progresses toward completion and implementation.
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Notice of Statutory Public Meeting: Proposed Amendment to the County of Brant Comprehensive Zoning By-law 61-16
Share Notice of Statutory Public Meeting: Proposed Amendment to the County of Brant Comprehensive Zoning By-law 61-16 on Facebook Share Notice of Statutory Public Meeting: Proposed Amendment to the County of Brant Comprehensive Zoning By-law 61-16 on Twitter Share Notice of Statutory Public Meeting: Proposed Amendment to the County of Brant Comprehensive Zoning By-law 61-16 on Linkedin Email Notice of Statutory Public Meeting: Proposed Amendment to the County of Brant Comprehensive Zoning By-law 61-16 linkJoin County of Brant staff at a Statutory Public Meeting regarding a proposed amendment to the County of Brant Comprehensive Zoning By-law 61-16.
Date Time Location Tuesday, February 4, 2025 6:00 pm County of Brant Council Chambers
7 Broadway Street West, Paris.
Meetings can also be live-streamed on the County’s YouTube Channel at agenda for the meeting can be viewed online at
In accordance with Section 34 of the Planning Act, the County of Brant is proposing to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 61-16 to help implement a new Backyard Hen program within the Non-Urban Residential Zones of the County. Non-Urban Residential Zone categories include Suburban Residential (SR), Residential Hamlets and Villages (RH), and Rural Residential (RR) Zones.
The amendment is municipally initiated to help facilitate a Council endorsed Backyard Hen program in the County. Minor changes are proposed to include a new definition for backyard hens, exclude backyard hens from being considered livestock and poultry as defined, and permit backyard hens in all Non-Urban Residential Zones, subject to the implementation of a new ‘Backyard Hen By-Law.’
The project can be referenced as file number ZBA26-24-JK. Additional project information and material are available on this page. Zoning of a property can be verified at
For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, please contact the designated staff for this project as listed below:
Jessica Kitchen – Planner, Policy Planning Division
66 Grand River St. N, Paris, ON. N3L 2M2
519.442.6324 ext. 3031 or 1.888.250.2296 Fax: 519.442.3461How Can I Submit Comments?
Questions or comments can be submitted through this page or through a “written submission” via mail, e-mail, or transcribed message by staff up to 2:00 pm the day of the meeting. Please forward your submission to and
What Happens to Your Comments?
Feedback will be reviewed by staff and shared with Council to guide decisions about this By-Law. Under the Municipal Act, 2001, and MFIPPA, all submissions become part of the public record and may be posted on the County’s website or made available to the public.
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October Update and Next Steps
Share October Update and Next Steps on Facebook Share October Update and Next Steps on Twitter Share October Update and Next Steps on Linkedin Email October Update and Next Steps linkOn September 24, 2024, County of Brant Council ratified the decision of the Policy Development Committee on September 3, 2024, to allow chickens in Non-Urban Residential Areas and Zones, subject to specific regulations specified by By-Law, and licensing and property inspection.
As part of next steps, County Staff will begin drafting specific regulations to support a Backyard Hen Program in the County of Brant. This phase of the project will span Fall/Winter of 2024.
Amendments to the County’s Animal Control By-Law, Comprehensive Zoning By-Law, and a new Backyard Hen By-Law will be presented at a future meeting for Committee’s consideration. A Licensing Program and fees to help support program implementation will also be presented for consideration.
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Recommendation report to be presented September 3, 2024
Share Recommendation report to be presented September 3, 2024 on Facebook Share Recommendation report to be presented September 3, 2024 on Twitter Share Recommendation report to be presented September 3, 2024 on Linkedin Email Recommendation report to be presented September 3, 2024 linkCounty Staff will present a recommendation report to Committee at the Policy Development Committee Meeting on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 for consideration and direction. This report will also share an engagement summary and outline next steps in the project.
The Committee meeting will begin at 6:00 pm inside the County of Brant Council Chambers at 7 Broadway Street West in Paris. The meeting can also be viewed online by visiting Any person who wishes to speak or make a verbal presentation at the meeting must request to register as a delegation. To request to be a delegate please complete the online Delegation Request Form.
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Thank you for your feedback. What happens next?
Share Thank you for your feedback. What happens next? on Facebook Share Thank you for your feedback. What happens next? on Twitter Share Thank you for your feedback. What happens next? on Linkedin Email Thank you for your feedback. What happens next? linkThe Chickens in Residential Areas survey launched on March 11, 2024, to request public feedback. With engagement closing on March 29, 2024, a summary of what we heard as well as the survey results are now available. Thank you for participating!
Information Report RPT-0177-24, to further consider Chickens in Residential Areas, went forward to the Planning and Development Committee on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, for information and direction. A copy of the report, attachments, and presentation are available under the “Documents” section of this page. The meeting can also be viewed online.
No decisions have been made by Council on this project yet. Future meeting dates and project materials will continue to be shared on this page as they become available.
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Engage with us
Share Engage with us on Facebook Share Engage with us on Twitter Share Engage with us on Linkedin Email Engage with us linkChickens are increasingly recognized as a sustainable and educational addition to neighbourhoods, providing fresh eggs, fostering a connection to food sources, and promoting a sense of community. Currently the County of Brant is considering allowing chickens in residential areas. If the County of Brant allows chickens in residential areas, regulations and guidelines will be developed as part of next steps that balance the interests of residents and the community.
The County of Brant invites you to share your thoughts and opinions on the development of regulations and guidelines for having chickens in residential areas.
For your convenience
Attend a Public Information Meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 6:00 pm inside the County of Brant Council Chambers (7 Broadway Street West, Paris). The meeting can also be viewed online by visiting
Any person may make a verbal presentation or submit a “written submission” via mail, e-mail, or transcribed message by staff up to 2:00 pm the day of the meeting. Please forward your written submission to or
Complete the online survey. The survey closes Friday, March 29 at 4:30 pm. Still have questions or comments about chickens in residential areas? Let us know using the tool below. Engagement closes on Friday, March 29 at 4:30 pm.
Your input will play a crucial role in shaping potential regulations for keeping chickens in residential areas. We encourage all residents, whether in favor or with concerns, to actively participate in this important process.
Next Steps
Engage with us
Chickens in Residential Areas has finished this stageShare your feedback and diverse perspectives through our online survey and through the questions and comments tool, available now.
Online engagement closes on March 29, 2024 at 4:30 pm.
Public Meeting
Chickens in Residential Areas has finished this stageMarch 12, 2024 - A public meeting will take place at 6:00 pm inside the County of Brant Council Chambers at 7 Broadway Street West in Paris. The meeting can be viewed live at
Engagement continues
Chickens in Residential Areas has finished this stageOnline engagement closes on Friday, March 29 at 4:30 pm.
Public engagement is now closed: Thank you for participating!
Chickens in Residential Areas has finished this stageMarch 29, 2024 - Public contributions to this project are now closed for review. A summary of what we heard, as well as project outcomes in the Spring.
Be the first to receive updates on this project by subscribing to this page.
Policy Development Committee Meeting
Chickens in Residential Areas has finished this stageSeptember 3, 2024 – County Staff will present a recommendation report to Committee for consideration and direction. This report will also share an engagement summary and outline next steps in the project.
Report to be presented at Council Meeting
Chickens in Residential Areas has finished this stageSeptember 24 2024 – Council to consider Policy Development Committee’s recommendation of report RPT-0270-24 to permit chickens in Non-Urban Residential areas and zones of the County subject to specific regulations specified by By-Law, licensing, and property inspection.
Fall/Winter 2024
Chickens in Residential Areas has finished this stageAmendments to the County’s Animal Control By-Law, Comprehensive Zoning By-Law, and a new Backyard Hen By-Law will be presented at a future meeting for Committee’s consideration. A Licensing Program and fees to help support program implementation will also be presented for consideration.
Public Meeting
Chickens in Residential Areas has finished this stageFebruary 4, 2025 - A public meeting will take place at 6:00 pm inside the County of Brant Council Chambers at 7 Broadway Street West in Paris. The agenda for this meeting can be viewed online at and the meeting can be viewed live at or in person.
Policy Development Committee Meeting – County Staff will present a recommendation report, Draft ‘Backyard Hen’ By-Law, license form, and fee to Committee for consideration and direction. This report will also outline next steps in the project.
Council Meeting February 25 2025
Chickens in Residential Areas is currently at this stageThe final versions of the new ‘Backyard Hen’ By-Law, along with amendments to the Zoning By-Law, Animal Control By-Law, and Fees and Charges By-Law, will be presented for final approval at the Council meeting in late February 2025. If approved, the by-laws will take effect after a 21-day appeal period for the proposed zoning changes, and a Backyard Hen program will be introduced in the County’s Non-Urban Residential Zones.
- What will be the intent of the proposed “Backyard Hen By-Law”?
- Do chickens generate a lot of noise?
- Do chickens attract unwanted pests and animals?
- Will anyone be able to keep chickens?
- Is a license required to keep chickens and what would the process be?
- How many chickens would a resident be allowed to keep?
- Will the sale of excess eggs be allowed?
- Should chickens be allowed in the house?
- What is the lifespan of a chicken?
- What about cleanliness issues, how will the County ensure chicken enclosures (ex. Coops and runs) are kept clean?
- Would the regulations apply to all properties within the municipal boundary or only certain residential zones?
- How will people humanely dispose of sick or old chickens?
- How will regulations ensure chickens are ethically raised?
- Is raising chickens cheaper than buying eggs?
Policy Development Committee, February 4 , 2025
RPT-0002-25- Backyard Hens Program (185 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 1 - Draft Amending Zoning By-Law (95.1 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 2 - Draft Amending Animal Control By-Law (186 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 3 - Draft Animal Control By-Law 174-10 - Redline Revisions (548 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 4 - Draft 'Backyard Hen' By-Law (305 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 5 - Draft Backyard Hen License Application Form (569 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 6 - RMO Letter and Comments Received (1.55 MB) (pdf)
Attachment 7 - Jusridictional Scan - Municipal Backyard Hen Program Fees (212 KB) (pdf)
Policy Development Committee Staff Report, September 3, 2024
Chickens in Residential Areas, RPT-0270-24 (176 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 1 - County of Brant Source Wtare Protection Areas Mapping (3.83 MB) (pdf)
Attachment 2 - RMO Letter (769 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 3 - BCHU Information and Recommendations (162 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 4 - Jurisdictional Scan - Other Municipal Approaches - SWPAs (237 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 5 - Engagement Summary (821 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 6 - Comments and Correspondance Received (2.56 MB) (pdf)
Attachment 7 - RPT- 0445 -23 (250 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 8 - RPT- 0454 -23 (345 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 9 - RPT- 0176-24 (191 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 10 - RPT-0177-24 (123 KB) (pdf)
Chickens in Residential Areas Survey Report (289 KB) (pdf)
Planning and Development Committee Presentation - March 12, 2024
November 2023 Staff Presentation
Planning and Development Committee Report RPT- 0454 -23
13-25 - Zoning - to amend by-law number 61-16 (County of Brant Initiated Amendment - Backyard Hen Program).pdf (1.87 MB) (pdf)
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