What is the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act?

    The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) is a law that sets out a process for developing and enforcing accessibility standards. Under the AODA there is the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulations (IASR). The IASR standards were developed in five key areas, Customer Service, Information and Communication, Employment, Transportation, and Design of Public Space. These standards are used to help identify what work must be done to eliminate barriers for individuals with disabilities. These decisions help not only individuals with disabilities but our community as a whole. An accessible community is an inclusive community.

    What is considered a barrier?

    A barrier is defined as “anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of his, her or their disability.” There are many different types of barriers such as physical, digital, attitudinal, legal and communications barriers to name a few.

    Why do you need a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan?

    To help inform the County about barrier reduction and removal.

    How often is this plan updated?

    The Multi-Year Accessibility Plan is updated every five years.

    The current Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2020-2024 is available online at www.brant.ca/Accessibility

    What areas of municipal services and facilities does the plan cover?

    The Multi-Year Accessibility Plan covers County-owned and operated facilities and amenities. This covers things such as arenas, administrative buildings, libraries, parks, trails, and community halls to name a few.

    What are the timelines for implementing the plans?

    The goal is prioritize and complete the work outlined in the plan within the five-year period that the plan covers.

    Who is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan?

    The Accessibility and Inclusion division is primarily responsible for the plan and will work closely with other departments and community partners to ensure that the goals of the plan are met.