Redevelopment of 2 Beverly Street West in St George

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Consultation has concluded

Thank you for your participation! 

The Outcome

Following the County’s purchase of 2 Beverly Street West in St. George, Council directed that a public engagement process be held to see if the public had any concerns with the County’s plan to demolish the automotive repair shop on the property. An additional option noting that the eastern half of the building was first built as a Supertest gas station in the 1930s that could be kept and renovated was raised, and the consultation requested the public’s comments regarding the proposals and how the site would be redeveloped.

Following the end of

Thank you for your participation! 

The Outcome

Following the County’s purchase of 2 Beverly Street West in St. George, Council directed that a public engagement process be held to see if the public had any concerns with the County’s plan to demolish the automotive repair shop on the property. An additional option noting that the eastern half of the building was first built as a Supertest gas station in the 1930s that could be kept and renovated was raised, and the consultation requested the public’s comments regarding the proposals and how the site would be redeveloped.

Following the end of the public consultation period, it was determined that the public preferred the original option to demolish the buildings, create a larger parking lot, and beautify the area with 64% of those commenting in favour of this option, and 30% in favour of keeping the Supertest station. 84% of those who responded regarding additional parking wished to see more parking in downtown St. George, and 53% of people who mentioned whether or not they wanted to keep the building were in favour. County staff put together cost estimates that determined that parking lot option would cost about $397,000, while the option to keep and restore the building would cost about $757,000.

In support of the public’s comments, County staff recommend that Committee and Council approve Option 1 to demolish the existing buildings, create a larger parking lot, and beautify the area.

County of Brant Council is seeking input on the future of the property of 2 Beverly Street West located on the southwestern corner of the intersection of Beverly Street West and Main Street South in the Village of St. George. The County of Brant acquired the property in October 2021 as it frequently reviews properties that come for sale in areas of strategic value to the County and its citizens, in this case the main intersection in St. George.

The Site

According to research undertaken by the South Dumfries Historical Society and County staff, the site now known as 2 Beverly Street West was originally developed in 1834 as a wagon works, which eventually became the Snowball Wagon Works and the Jackson Wagon Works. In the early 1930s the land was acquired by the Department of Highways to complete the construction of Highway 5 through the Village, and rest of the land not needed for the highway’s construction was acquired by Supertest Petroleum Corporation Limited. In the mid-1930s Supertest constructed a gas station and lunch counter on the site until it became an automotive repair shop. A large garage was added to the structure in the late 1970s and associated modifications have been made to the building from its original construction.

Where We Are

This public engagement process is the first step towards determining the future use of the property.

The County acquired the property with a view to redeveloping it to provide additional parking and to enhance the main intersection and commercial core of St. George with a parkette and additional green space. Since the acquisition, other options for the future use of the site have been identified, including keeping a portion of the existing building and restoring it to look like the original Supertest station, for community uses.

Pictures are also available in the photos section of this page. This section is located on the bottom of this page if you are on a mobile phone or tablet. 

Engage with Us!

County staff prepared drawings to outline the site, and what it may look like following its redevelopment. Before that happens, we wanted to hear from you. Comments were gathered about what you would like the site to look like.

The opinions expressed by community members were compiled and considered by County staff when making a recommendation to County Council on the future use of the property which happened in March 2022.

We want to hear from you!

How should the County of Brant redevelop 2 Beverly Street West? 

What are your thoughts regarding the two proposals?

Share with us your ideas on what the County of Brant should do for this property. 

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

The parking area in Option 1 looks very attractive and is a need for the Main Street. Although the gas station has interesting architecture, the cost to renovate it would be prohibitive due to the age and very poor condition of the building. Perhaps build a smaller replica of part of the building to house public washrooms or put up an attractive semi-enclosed area for Porta-Potties. We do not need a visitor centre. There should be an attractive and safe access to Snowball Park. To attract more business to the shops and eateries in the village we need safe, accessible parking.

Stephanie Nemeth - Rosebrugh over 2 years ago

Please, no pollinator garden. There are too many of us with bee allergies!
St. George desperately needs more parking. The gardens should go in the park that is already there next door.

Citizen over 2 years ago

garage addition is (which is to be removed in both scenarios, anyway). The SuperTest does not appear to take up that much room; it might be nice to restore it to house a visitor’s centre and small gift shop. A gift shop space could be put to tender, which could provide a small source of income to the county and help with the maintenance of the building (although I am unsure about the suggestion of public washrooms unless they are guaranteed to be appropriately maintained). Perhaps the town could entertain a hybrid version of the two scenarios, including the restoration of the SuperTest building and a drive around that allows a one-way flow of traffic. This hybrid version would likely require eliminating the landscape island at the building end of the lot. Since the street is lined with trees and green space, I don't think that would be too much of a sacrifice and planter gardens could be incorporated. Before I form a firm opinion on the matter, I would like to know how many additional parking spots are planned in each of the scenarios and the proposed layout. I am also interested in knowing the total projected cost in each scenario while factoring in any potential revenue (from charging stations or tendered space in the building, etc.).

MelindaR over 2 years ago

Hello! I would like to see the old building demolished, and a parking lot established. I believe restoring the current building would be a costly endeavour for the rate payers.

Incorporating a small geeen space that connects with the current snow ball park would give an opportunity for a farmers market/ community space. I’d like to note as I have participated in multiple farmers markets over the years almost all of them were in or beside parking lots and green spaces.

Our community is growing, and we need to have accessibility for patrons to park with ease. Time and time again new comers to this town always ask “where do I park!?” It’s a common question that is presented.

What Id like to see with this new parking lot is lighting. When the days are short it is hard to see or navigate in dark lots. Patrons coming out late at the pubs/ restaurants need to be safe and have well lit parking lot is idea. Lights right around it (hanging planter baskets off the light poles in the summer); Planters at the corner of the main intersection (west and south bound) would be used as a barricade. A few Memorial
Benches, where there would be room. Slanted parking spots, with dedicated entrance and exit (one way). Maple trees, and garbage cans.
Thanks for consideration. Drongkowskis’s & Team.

TiffDrong over 2 years ago

I believe the property at 2 Beverly Street W. St. George should be developed into a green space as the County had originally planned. The existing buildings demolished as it is an eyesore. I do not want my tax dollars being spent to fund any restoration of this building as it will be a money pit. The inspection process found substantial mold and the inspector estimated it would take hundreds of thousands of dollars to bring this building back to its original state. If those wanting don't have financial backing then they should not expect the County to foot the bill for this 'dream'
One suggestions I've seen mention is a farmers market....that makes more sense
Shirley Steedman

Shirley Steedman over 2 years ago

If you feel the supertest station is of some historical significance then add a plaque with information about it history.

KathyG over 2 years ago

Regarding the two proposals, please reconsider the dead-end parking in option 2. This will cause numerous issues especially during busy events. The proximity to the intersection may not allow for an exit on Main but could be an option.

Sarah_Lynn over 2 years ago

Redeveloping that corner as the original gas station style but as a local arts and creative hub would be a real asset to the area. There’s quite a vibrant arts community within the Brant area and this would be an ideal tourist attraction

Lindab over 2 years ago

I love the idea of added parking and restoring the original Supertest building. Keeping the building would give a good town centre feel to the corner. Would love to see a farmer's market and an area for a Christmas tree and light display. Adding a gazebo and more picnic tables to the current Snowball park would make that already great green space more practical to use! Glad to see that this corner is going to be turned into something useful and beautiful.

nga over 2 years ago

I am a strong supporter of placing several level 3 EV chargers in town. This will also help to attract tourism, as those who charge their vehicles will be spending time in town. Given the low cost of charging and to encourage tourism, I suggest the city look into offering free charging. Using the parking area for a farmers market is also a fantastic use of space, and engages the community.

tm over 2 years ago

Wow, I love the idea of restoring the Supertest building and turning this property into an interactive social space for the Community and visitors . The Supertest building has very unique design elements and, if restored, would provide some architectural diversity to the downtown. I think this space would lend itself well to art, museum, music, and other cultural elements as well, a public washroom is a very nice idea.

I understand the need for additional parking. However, parking lots are what they are, static spaces to park vehicles. This is not unique, the last time I checked, many communities already have parking lots. (-; I've also never had a problem finding a parking space in St.George whether it's for a haircut, dinner, sandwich, picking-up a coffee, groceries, hardware, or the post office.

p.s. Similar restoration activities appear to be happening in the US, as indicated in the following document by the National Park Service: The Preservation and Reuse of Historic Gas Stations:

p.p.s. Could this attract tourists (I'm not sure if that's something of interest to St.George businesses or if they are self-sufficient with the local Community - don't want to have another Paris)?

jeff leader over 2 years ago

I would prefer to see option #1 with the parking and green space. I too love the idea of a Farmers Market in that area and would love to see something of interest added there as well such as the Town Clock someone else suggested.

Wendyj over 2 years ago

I think the space should be used as parking and green space. A monthly farmers market/events could use the space periodically too.

reannadyson over 2 years ago

It was identifed in the staff report that it would be expensive to restore the building currently on site. As a resident of over 25 years, I personally feel the building is an eyesore unworthy of the additional cost to restore.
Why would you restore a building that represents a link to the petro chemical industry that many feel has contributed to climate change?
The ground beneath the building is still heavily contaminated from this usage, as is the roadway and the entire intersection.
I would prefer to see commercial parking and a greenspace extension of Snowball Park and completely remove the existing building(s)

John Smythe over 2 years ago

I think we need more parking but also love the idea of a seasonal farmers market. If any of the original building can be kept that would definetly be a plus

Ken Johnston over 2 years ago

I believe the parking lot will enhance the towns appearence of done properly. It would allow some flexible use for events such as Applefest and add much needed parking. I'm familiar with the building and I don' t think undertaking a restoration of the building given the state of it would be a wide use of resources. Certainly a small Pavillion or picnic shelter would a great addition to the priperty. A plaque noting the history of this property incorporates in the design would be great too. Before any of the plans get too far.. I think some thought needs to be put into a master street scape plan of the town before engaging in this to ensure that any future work on street scapes all tie in. J B

JB over 2 years ago

A community vegetable/fruit garden would be lovely. And a pollinator garden. Something the girl guides could help with.

kristindegeit over 2 years ago

I like both proposals because they included much needed green space on that concrete jungle corner. I think a farmers market would be great! The corner is the first thing you see so I think putting the garbage can there is a mistake, move it further down. Also a big coniferous tree with benches ( for aging population) around it would be nice for decorating for Christmas as the town does not have any Christmas lights.

Barraym over 2 years ago

Both proposals are good however I believe the second proposal is a nice alternative to a pretty parking lot. Restoring the station is interesting on its own but incorporating charging stations at some sort of hourly charge would be unique. To remove the small station would be a mistake.

Mustangmike over 2 years ago

Both ideas are great. My only opinion is that the landscaping should include as many native plants and trees as possible. Ornamental are nice but serve no real purpose. Plant something beautiful and beneficial to keep nature thriving for future generations.

Jennifer over 2 years ago