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The Outcome
Following the County’s purchase of 2 Beverly Street West in St. George, Council directed that a public engagement process be held to see if the public had any concerns with the County’s plan to demolish the automotive repair shop on the property. An additional option noting that the eastern half of the building was first built as a Supertest gas station in the 1930s that could be kept and renovated was raised, and the consultation requested the public’s comments regarding the proposals and how the site would be redeveloped.
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The Outcome
Following the County’s purchase of 2 Beverly Street West in St. George, Council directed that a public engagement process be held to see if the public had any concerns with the County’s plan to demolish the automotive repair shop on the property. An additional option noting that the eastern half of the building was first built as a Supertest gas station in the 1930s that could be kept and renovated was raised, and the consultation requested the public’s comments regarding the proposals and how the site would be redeveloped.
Following the end of the public consultation period, it was determined that the public preferred the original option to demolish the buildings, create a larger parking lot, and beautify the area with 64% of those commenting in favour of this option, and 30% in favour of keeping the Supertest station. 84% of those who responded regarding additional parking wished to see more parking in downtown St. George, and 53% of people who mentioned whether or not they wanted to keep the building were in favour. County staff put together cost estimates that determined that parking lot option would cost about $397,000, while the option to keep and restore the building would cost about $757,000.
In support of the public’s comments, County staff recommend that Committee and Council approve Option 1 to demolish the existing buildings, create a larger parking lot, and beautify the area.
County of Brant Council is seeking input on the future of the property of 2 Beverly Street West located on the southwestern corner of the intersection of Beverly Street West and Main Street South in the Village of St. George. The County of Brant acquired the property in October 2021 as it frequently reviews properties that come for sale in areas of strategic value to the County and its citizens, in this case the main intersection in St. George.
The Site
According to research undertaken by the South Dumfries Historical Society and County staff, the site now known as 2 Beverly Street West was originally developed in 1834 as a wagon works, which eventually became the Snowball Wagon Works and the Jackson Wagon Works. In the early 1930s the land was acquired by the Department of Highways to complete the construction of Highway 5 through the Village, and rest of the land not needed for the highway’s construction was acquired by Supertest Petroleum Corporation Limited. In the mid-1930s Supertest constructed a gas station and lunch counter on the site until it became an automotive repair shop. A large garage was added to the structure in the late 1970s and associated modifications have been made to the building from its original construction.
Where We Are
This public engagement process is the first step towards determining the future use of the property.
The County acquired the property with a view to redeveloping it to provide additional parking and to enhance the main intersection and commercial core of St. George with a parkette and additional green space. Since the acquisition, other options for the future use of the site have been identified, including keeping a portion of the existing building and restoring it to look like the original Supertest station, for community uses.

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Engage with Us!
County staff prepared drawings to outline the site, and what it may look like following its redevelopment. Before that happens, we wanted to hear from you. Comments were gathered about what you would like the site to look like.
The opinions expressed by community members were compiled and considered by County staff when making a recommendation to County Council on the future use of the property which happened in March 2022.
Parking Lot Retrofit: Keep, restore and maintain the washroom part of the Supertest station for public washrooms. Parking is a huge necessity as it is getting dangerous downtown due to lack of parking. Has anyone tried turning onto High St. (East) when it’s lined on both sides with parked cars?!
Adding a plaque commemorating the Supertest Station would be a great point of interest.
The idea of keeping the Superstation to preserve the quaintness of St. George became laughable when the county allowed developers to purchase all the land for their 1,000s of cookie cutter homes (one on top of the other) that is planned and also allowing the warehouses to go in off of #5.
The development of the corner needs a great deal of thought and planning
The cost needs to be a factor
But consideration must be given to the following
The exponential need for parking in the down town core
Pedestrian access to Main Street to fundamentally more important than to Beverley street
A welcoming focus to the village when includes greenery
A places for gathering
Need to public washrooms
If the preservation of the historical site is economically feasible
Consideration to washrooms
Tourist information
Police as it was previously
Make it community focussed
Vehicle access to Main Street not necessary but pedestrian is
Bike racks
More parking and refurbish the building and use it as a market for local vendors
I much prefer the restored Supertest option.
Preserving this piece of history is so important. It's all too easy to just demolish and start over, doesn't mean that is the right thing to do.
Use the space wisely, some parking, keep the old building, add beautiful hanging baskets, provide a space for pop-up vendors or public restrooms.
Thank you for asking for our input.
Excellent plans! The historic bldg should be restored. Perhaps the historic bldg could be used for a combination of things. Perhaps a fruit stand, and/or a place to pick up a coffee, pick up tourist info, access a washroom. A small version of the Evergreen Brickworks in Toronto.
Option 2 - I also prefer the councillor’s drawing.
The proposed option of turning the corner into a visitor centre with opportunities for local vendors sounds lovely. However, I wonder how many residents of St. George know about the 1.3 million square foot warehouse proposed for Hwy 5? Until that project is determined, the plans for the main intersection need to be put on hold. If the warehouse is a go, then the ONLY viable option is to demolish the historical building, residential homes, local businesses and the parkette to accommodate the constant stream of transport trucks that will be coming through town on a 24/7 basis! Unfortunately, this is more the reality of St. George than a tourist destination. We need to all be aware of what is to potentially become of our little town!
I prefer the proposal to restore part of the station as a Tourism Centre -- while also adding some parking spaces and greenery. St. George is bouncing back as a great day-trip destination -- with many good restaurant options and interesting shops. A tourism booth -- and washrooms -- could boost other local attractions and help highlight local history as well. I like the idea of an electric car charging site being established as well -- a nice nod to the future. It would be a great asset for AppleFest as well I think (although I do not speak for AppleFest).
Hi there,
I live on Beverly St. E. in St. George very close to the property in question. I feel strongly that whatever history can be preserved in this town should be, and therefore vote for Option 2. Thanks for asking for input on this important decision.
Maureen Grodde
As a resident of St. George for over 30 years, the parking situation needs to be improved. Driving down High street, with traffic parked on both sides is a accident waiting to happen. More parking PLEASE!
I like Option 1 the parking lot and green space concept. I think more parking is badly needed in the downtown area and I think having a park or some sort of other green space would help to beautify the area and make a nice entrance to the downtown.
Please do not make it another paved parking lot. This building must be saved. St. George’s downtown has many old historical buildings and this adds to its historic character. It could be made into many things. A restaurant or craft brewery would be very cool while keeping the buildings character. We have to preserve these old buildings. A city like Savannah, Georgia is a perfect example of how preserving history has made for a beautiful city of historical buildings. We can make a parking lot in St George at other vacant land locations, at bottom of Main Street or other location. Thank you!
My preference is option 1 - parking lot retrofit.
Largely because I believe the additional cost needed for option 2 is prohibitive. In addition parking is needed now (heck there is a movie filming right now so parking is tight), and I believe if the growth projected for St George comes to fruition more parking will be needed.
I favor option #1. The cost to renovate and maintain the building is an expense the tax payers don't need. Keeping the building appears to result in fewer parking spots and whatever goes in the building would put more demand on the available spots.
At one time there were four gasoline outlets in St. George and today only one remains. While we honor our history, we cannot live there. Maybe a picture or plaque onsite (instead of a building) would suffice. I favor option #1.
Raise a monument to the oil and gas industry????
I would definitely choose Option #1 with much needed parking/with green space (beautiful, not ugly). That could also be used for farmers market/other events. The site has been an eyesore for many years and the cost to restore it would not be in the best interest of our town. If possible, save and renovate a small portion, of Supertest, for indoor washrooms (also needed in this town).
First of all, thanks to County staff for seeking community input and for providing the options currently being considered. We would prefer to see option #1 with the parking and green space. The idea of a Farmers Market has merit and exploring the possibility of a Town Clock would provide interest. When the OPP community policing office was housed in the eastern portion of the building little of the original inside structure was left unchanged. To restore this building would be cost-prohibitive.
As a longtime resident of St. George ( excluding years away) I would like to see the Supertest not demolished but made into a viable tourism attraction/business. Growing up in St. George in the 40's, 50's and 60's the lunch bar was a gathering spot for all the locals and families travelling through the village. It was our very own Cheers. We have to protect the history of St. George and not have more repeats of old buildings torn down. i.e. St. George Continuation High School, Bowdens Garage and soon to be demolished the beautiful farm house that belonged to the Wehrstein family. We have a responsibility to residents that lived here, raised their families, paid taxes and enjoyed the small town atmosphere of St. George. Lets find a way to protect and save the historic old Supertest so we can preserve and acknowledge the footprints of people that went before us.
Thrilled to learn we have the opportunity to improve the intersection of st George to a much more functional and beautiful space. . It’s been an eye sore of large vehicles for so long . Having said that, replacing the lot with another parking would not help improve the visual appeal . Find another location for that . Farmers market use on the summer weekends and an indoor building that supports the community building relationships together (veritile events, clubs etc) would be my preference .