Thank you for your participation! The Watt's Pond Greenway Park consultation is complete. We heard through the consultation that grass and trees were preferred without the addition of park equipment and pavilions. A pollinator garden will be planted in collaboration with the Paris Agricultural Society. This park is expected to be complete in 2023.
This park is located at 806 Watt’s Pond Road, Paris. It is intended to be a passive space for residents to gather and enjoy their surroundings. Much of the park will remain natural while incorporating a pathway, some small play components, and a pavilion. In additionContinue reading
Thank you for your participation! The Watt's Pond Greenway Park consultation is complete. We heard through the consultation that grass and trees were preferred without the addition of park equipment and pavilions. A pollinator garden will be planted in collaboration with the Paris Agricultural Society. This park is expected to be complete in 2023.
This park is located at 806 Watt’s Pond Road, Paris. It is intended to be a passive space for residents to gather and enjoy their surroundings. Much of the park will remain natural while incorporating a pathway, some small play components, and a pavilion. In addition to the existing vegetation, large shade trees and some small gardens will be added to help beautify the site.
The proposed park name is due to its proximity to Watt’s Pond. The budget for the park is $100,000. New park construction is supported through development charges, so no direct costs are borne by the municipality. Construction is planned to begin the spring/summer of 2022.
The County is in the process of developing the Watt’s Pond trail network that will be located a small distance to the west of this property. This trail system is intended to be constructed in phases as the area is developed. Dawdy Park, located at 80 Hartley Ave, is currently being constructed and includes more active components such as pickleball and basketball courts as well as a larger playground and community shed.
Please see the conceptual plan and features below:

The concept plan includes planned features such as:
- Play climbers (ages 2-12)
- 2m wide asphalt park pathway
- Pavilion with picnic tables and decorative gardens
- Large shade trees
Update: January 21, 2022
You provided feedback, we listened:
We understand there was concern surrounding the amount of activity proposed for the park. This space is meant to be a passive greenway to be enjoyed by the local residents. There are other parks in close proximity (i.e. Dawdy Park on Hartley Avenue that is more likely to attract a greater number of visitors). The purpose of this place is to be a safe, enjoyable, well-kept green space for use by local residents.
We listened to your feedback and have made some changes to the original plan, which include the following:
- Removal of proposed lighting
- Removal of the pavilion
- Portions of the pathways have been relocated so they are further from the back of the lot lines
- Proposed play features are screened either by vegetation or lots with wooden fences
- Addition of more trees in the open grass area

As a reminder green space in an area of grass, trees, or other vegetation that is set apart for recreational and aesthetic purposes in what would otherwise be an urban environment. These areas still include park features such as benches, waste receptacles, etc., but they are passive in nature and don’t include highly active features such as sport courts, etc.
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Have feedback? Share with us below!
As one of the owners that spent thousands on a wood fence to have privacy we are disappointed that our expense is now being used as a reason to move the intended play areas behind us. If this is going forward will the city be reimbursing the fence cost? As others have stated, we paid a significant lot premium which did not include having our privacy taken away by excess noise behind us. Those of us that have installed wood fencing don’t have small children and aren’t interested in having screaming kids both out front and out back so that there is no peace and quiet anywhere. Will the park be monitored to avoid atvs being used on the pathway? Fireworks being let off? Family picnics being had? If there are families with children that want a park then the park should be placed behind their house. We should not be punished because we had the forethought and footed the bill for fencing.
The park is a great option for the pinehurst community to spend time outdoors but I really hope with the amount of young families and children in this neighbour that we can have a splash pad incorporated into the design.
My backyard is directly adjacent to this property. Like many other residents that back onto this, I did my research and was told the same, that this was protected green space and no development of any kind was going to happen here, at least for many years to come. While I can appreciate wanting to improve the look of this space, I too, have concerns with the overall activity that will happen in this area when completed. Those concerns would involve privacy, noise and my biggest fear, it becomes a dog park where people will have their dogs relieve themselves and leave it behind, or worse, throw it over the fence into my yard. NO THANKS! I would rather the money be spent on building a natural barrier closer to the road to block some of the traffic noise from all the quarry trucks that use Watts Pond Road on a regular basis. As far as the plan itself, it's a bit lacking in practicality anyway as having a path that ultimately leads back into Watts Pond Road doesn't make any sense. This is a country road with no curbs or sidewalks and very little lighting. Those that use it would not expect to see people walking along the side of it. I really think this would be more dangerous than people realize.
Love this plan for a park! As a resident of this area that has seen this space go from a farm field to a construction zone to homes, this addition is perfect! What a great use of space - hopefully there will be bike rakes and lights as this can be used as an alternative walking route, rather than walking on Watts Pond, as it as busy and dark! Great work!
I am not happy about this at all. We purchased our home being told we would back onto an open green space not a public park area with a gazebo. To start where do you think people are going to be parking to access this "passive park"? On our street or Watts pond. This is not OK. Its going to mean more traffic in our subdivision from people that do not live here and do not care how fast they drive. I did not purchase my home to back onto a park intended to be used for parties and picnics. I was told it would be green space maybe with a few benches, trees and possibly a pathway. This is not what we were told, this is not what we want behind our house at all.
Just curious where parking is going to be for people visiting this park? I’m sure the residents of the area don’t want people parking in front of their homes or potentially blocking their driveways.
Also, are there plans to make this park and play equipment wheelchair accessible ?
Watts Pond road is a very busy road with all the dump trucks and excess traffic with this new subdivision , putting a park right by the road seems a little dangerous.
I would hate to have a home where my backyard faces a park and have zero privacy.
My backyard is directly facing greenway park and was under the impression by the builder that this was going to be greenery when we first purchased our home. We had to pay a premium for this lot and I don’t agree with having a passive park where people can see into my property or having to worry about noise.
hello, the greenway park is directly behind our backyard, couple of concerns are noise and is the park gonna lit all night? and also would residence be allowed to put a gate at the rear of the backyard fence to have a quick access of the park? thanks