Water and Wastewater Rate Study Public Consultation
Consultation has concluded
Thank you for your participation! View the approved rates:
The County of Brant is excited to engage with residents regarding the Water and Wastewater Rate Study.
The costs to operate and maintain the municipal water and wastewater systems are funded by system users. The purpose of this project is to set user rates required to pay for the operation and maintenance of the systems. It should be noted that revenues collected through taxes are not used to fund the systems. In addition, the costs to expand the systems to support development are paid for by development.
In 2019, aContinue reading
Thank you for your participation! View the approved rates:
The County of Brant is excited to engage with residents regarding the Water and Wastewater Rate Study.
The costs to operate and maintain the municipal water and wastewater systems are funded by system users. The purpose of this project is to set user rates required to pay for the operation and maintenance of the systems. It should be noted that revenues collected through taxes are not used to fund the systems. In addition, the costs to expand the systems to support development are paid for by development.
In 2019, a Long Range Financial Plan was completed for County of Brant Water and Wastewater Operations. This plan identified the costs and sources of funds needed to operate and maintain the systems through 2024. In 2020, the County of Brant began the next phase of the project to review the Water and Wastewater Rate Structure to ensure the rates meet the goals and objectives of the County of Brant.
Recommended Rate Structure
A presentation to the County of Brant Administration and Operations Committee on January 19, 2021 described three options for the Water and Wastewater Rates to cover the next four years. The recommended option includes a lower monthly fixed rate with a humpback structure applied to the volumetric portion of the bill. The proposed new structure also recommends the implementation of a residential seasonal water rate at a 30% premium for consumptions over 45 cubic meters (cu.m.) per month. This premium will be applied from May to September to promote conservation of outdoor water use.
If you would like to watch the presentation on YouTube (minutes 8:07 to 54:18), please use the below link. Alternatively, a copy of the presentation can be found under "Important Links and Resources".
BMA Presentation - Administration and Operations Committee Meeting
What does this mean to me as a rate payer?
The lower fixed rate provides opportunity for cost savings for low volume consumers who try to reduce their water and wastewater bills. To understand how much water your household or business uses per month, please refer to your monthly water bills.
Residential Users
If you are a very low water consumer (less than 7.5 cu.m of water per month) you will experience a 0% to 5% decrease in your 2021 bill compared to 2020. This will affect approximately 23% of residential consumers.
If you are a low water consumer (between 7.5 cu.m and 20.8 cu.m. of water per month) you will experience a 0% to 3% increase in your bill. This will affect approximately 61% of residential consumers.
If you are a moderate water consumer (between 20.8 cu.m and 47.5 cu.m. of water per month) you will experience a 3% to 8% increase in your bill. This will affect approximately 15% of residential consumers.
If you are a high water consumer (over 47.5 cu.m of water per month) you will experience a 8% to 15% increase in your bill. This will affect approximately 1% of residential consumers.
A 30% premium will be added to consumption that exceeds 45 cu.m. per month from May to September to promote conservation of outdoor water use.
Commercial Users
If you are a very low water consumer with a 5/8" meter size (less than 7.5 cu.m of water per month) you will experience a 0% to 5% decrease in your 2021 bill compared to 2020. This will affect approximately 41% of commercial consumers.
If you are a low water consumer with a 5/8" meter size (between 7.5 cu.m and 20.8 cu.m. of water per month) you will experience a 0% to 3% increase in your bill. This will affect approximately 24% of commercial consumers.
If you are a moderate water consumer with a 1" meter size (between 34.2 cu.m and 225 cu.m. of water per month) you will experience a 3% to 8% increase in your bill. This will affect approximately 25% of commercial consumers.
If you are a high water consumer with a 2" meter size (over 225 cu.m. of water per month) you will experience a 8% to 15% increase in your bill. This will affect approximately 10% of commercial consumers.
Public Consultation
A virtual public consultation meeting occurred on February 11, 2021 at 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. The County of Brant encouraged public input at the virtual meeting and/or through Engage Brant by completing the below survey and/or by providing your comments and feedback.
If you would like to watch the meeting on YouTube, please use the below link. Alternatively, a copy of the presentation can be found under "Important Links and Resources".
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Take our survey and tell us what's important to you regarding the Water and Wastewater Rate Structure.
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Key Dates
February 11 2021
Water and Wastewater Rate Study Public Consultation has finished this stageFall 2020
BMA Presentation
Water and Wastewater Rate Study Public Consultation has finished this stageJanuary 19, 2021
Virtual Public Consultation Meeting
Water and Wastewater Rate Study Public Consultation has finished this stageFebruary 11, 2021
Engage with Us
Water and Wastewater Rate Study Public Consultation has finished this stageJanuary 27, 2021 to February 28, 2021
Administration & Operations Committee Meeting
Water and Wastewater Rate Study Public Consultation has finished this stageMarch 16, 2021
County of Brant Council Meeting
Water and Wastewater Rate Study Public Consultation has finished this stageMarch 23, 2021
Implementation of New Water & Wastewater Rate Structure
Water and Wastewater Rate Study Public Consultation is currently at this stageMay 1, 2021
Important Links and Resources
Who's Listening
Phone 519-449-2451 Email vanessa.graves@brant.ca -
Phone 519-449-2451 Email linzey.dench@brant.ca