What is a Master Environmental Servicing Plan?

    A Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP) is a comprehensive, consultation-based study that is prepared to define a community’s long-term servicing objectives for water, wastewater and stormwater, integrating both existing and future land-use planning, including transportation. The County has prepared MESPs for other communities – please see the St George Interim Control By-Law for an example of a recently-completed MESP. 

    Why do Scotland and Oakland need a Master Environmental Servicing Plan?

    With recent development interest in the communities of Scotland and Oakland, the County has initiated an Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP) to ensure the infrastructure in the community can support community growth. The MESP will also form guidelines for the sustainable development of the communities, informing decisions such as stormwater conveyance, lot sizing, transportation networks and servicing needs.

    Are Scotland and Oakland getting municipally serviced water/wastewater?

    The Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP) will evaluate all options regarding servicing for Scotland and Oakland, which may include investigating municipal servicing if required. However, the primary objective of the MESP is not necessarily to bring municipal servicing to your community, but rather to evaluate how the County can best support the community via a framework for sustainable growth and infrastructure improvements as growth interest increases.

    What was the purpose of the community water quality sampling program?

    The County solicited resident participation in a residential water quality sampling program to evaluate the current state of the groundwater resources within the community, and how growth can occur in a way that protects your drinking water quality and supply.

    Can I participate in the community water quality sampling program?

    The current iteration of this sampling program ended on July 26, 2024. However, the County may require additional data going forward. Please subscribe to this project page to be automatically notified of any future opportunities for community participation . Add your email to the Stay Informed box on this page and click ‘Subscribe'. 

    How else can I participate in this study?

    Please subscribe to this project page to be automatically notified of ongoing updates and opportunities to stay involved with this project. Add your email to the Stay Informed box on this page and click ‘Subscribe'.  

    Who can I contact if I have questions?

    Should you have questions about the project, please email County of Brant Project Engineer, Stefanie DiGiovanni, P. Eng, at stefanie.digiovanni@brant.ca.