Mile Hill Meadows Park

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Consultation has concluded

Thank you for your participation! 

Mile Hill Meadows Park is located at 35 Edgar Place, Paris. Please see the conceptual plan and features below.

The concept plan includes planned features such as:

  • Playground area (ages 2-12)
  • Youth soccer field - U12 age groups
  • 2.5m wide asphalt park pathway
  • Large shade trees
  • Accessible viewing area
  • 30 parking spaces

The budget for the park is $175,000.

The park name proposed is due to close proximity to Mile Hill.

The County of Brant wants to hear from you! Tell us what you would like to see at this park below.

Thank you for your participation! 

Mile Hill Meadows Park is located at 35 Edgar Place, Paris. Please see the conceptual plan and features below.

The concept plan includes planned features such as:

  • Playground area (ages 2-12)
  • Youth soccer field - U12 age groups
  • 2.5m wide asphalt park pathway
  • Large shade trees
  • Accessible viewing area
  • 30 parking spaces

The budget for the park is $175,000.

The park name proposed is due to close proximity to Mile Hill.

The County of Brant wants to hear from you! Tell us what you would like to see at this park below.

Tell us what you think!

What do you want to see? 

Share with us your thoughts on the Mile Hill Meadows Park plan. Please include any ideas on accessibility features.

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Love the creative playground equipment But swings are a MUST! I would also suggest increasing the playground area if possible. Looks small right now.

sscrayzee over 3 years ago

I think it would be a good idea to make the soccer field a full size field. Extending the size by few yards would allow all aged groups to train /play games at minimal cost. More room, more teams on the field at the same time for practise, money well spent. There are no other soccer fields in the south part of the city. Green Lanes and Forest Drive Park are busy and a bigger field on the south side would allow for more flexibility for the soccer teams in the city.

AF over 3 years ago

I also agree with Dave. Something different from the typical playgrounds would be great. The picture of the park in the proposed plan looks so fun and exciting! Also, adding gardens and shrubs close to the fence line would deter vandalizing along the park perimeter.

RebeccaMcpherson over 3 years ago

I agree with Dave. Mohawk park in brantford has some very creative equipment and climbing structures. Nice to have those rope style climbing structures like green lane has, that way older kids get to have something to do other than watch the younger kids on the simple little slides and swings.

jseamone over 3 years ago

I would like to see some sort of adventure playground and or area. Not just typical structure. Something different like a wooden pirate ship like the park in Belleville.

Daveschultz over 3 years ago