Will there be parallel parking downtown?

    On June 27, 2023, County of Brant Council approved the conversion of parking on Grand River Street North in the main part of the core from the current angled parking to parallel parking. Both options were considered in the Master Plan, and both have positives and negatives. 

    Parallel parking was chosen as the better option as there are serious safety concerns involving angled parking. The conversion will also provide the public and businesses with better opportunities to use the space. This conversion leads to the loss of almost 25 parking spaces on Grand River Street North, but in 2022 the County constructed 75 new spaces on the site of the former OPP Detachment building.

    Will there be a mini-roundabout at Grand River Street North and Mechanic Street?

    The mini-roundabout at Grand River Street North and Mechanic Street has been removed from the plan. This was originally included to once again allow left turns from Mechanic Street to Grand River Street North. During detailed design for the road reconstruction project, it was determined that the mini roundabout would still require too much space, would remove approximately 5 additional parking spaces from the main street, and would have to be flush with the road to permit truck turns instead of providing a place for flowers and other means to beautify downtown.

    Will there be a parking structure on Broadway Street West?

    The parking structure on Broadway Street West has been removed from the plan. The County continues to work to ensure enough parking is available for businesses, visitors, and residents, but plans for the construction of a parking structure on Broadway Street West have not continued.