Next Steps: May 2024

The County of Brant is currently developing the Business Mitigation, Business Communication, and Community Communication Plans. These Plans will be developed in consultation with various stakeholders including the Downtown Paris BIA and brought to the September Policy Development Committee Meeting for Committee approval.

Business Engagement and Community Engagement Plans are also underway. Engagement will occur in Summer 2024 to gather feedback on streetscape amenities. Final design concepts will be shared on this page as well as on the County's website at

As “The Downtown Dig” final design plans are finalized, the tender for the project is expected to be released in Fall 2024.

Have questions about the project? Please use the Questions tool on this page to let us know.

As plans proceed, we will continue to communicate through our regular channels. Subscribe to this page for updates as they are available by adding your email to the Stay Informed box on this page and click ‘Subscribe'.

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