December Update on the Downtown Dig
County of Brant staff are busy preparing for the Downtown Dig and would like to provide residents and businesses with the following project update.
Community Engagement – Streetscape features
Community engagement for the Downtown Dig began on November 22, 2024, inviting residents and businesses to help select new streetscape features, including streetlight fixtures, benches, and bike racks. Voting was available online and in-person at the Burford and Paris Customer Service Offices.
Over 700 votes were cast for the three features—thank you to everyone who took the time to participate! The winners will be announced in the new year.
Enbridge Gas notice
Starting January 13, 2025, Enbridge Gas, through their contractor Aecon, will begin replacing natural gas infrastructure in downtown Paris. This work is essential preparation for the Downtown Dig and is expected to last approximately 60 working days, weather permitting.
Key details:
- The Gas Main and individual services to buildings on Grand River Street North, with minor connections along Mechanic Street and William Street will be replaced.
- Gas lines under sidewalks will be replaced, with temporary hot mix asphalt patches applied until full sidewalk reconstruction takes place in 2025.
- Sidewalk access and business entryways will remain open whenever possible, though some disruptions and equipment staging in parking stalls are expected.
- Updated safety standards require natural gas regulators to be relocated to building exteriors, with visually appealing shrouds to minimize aesthetic impact.
The County is working closely with Enbridge to minimize disruptions and meet modern safety standards. Impacted property owners have received letters.
Thank you for your understanding as we prepare for this vital infrastructure improvement!
Business Community Update
Are you a downtown Paris business owner? A private Engage Brant page has been created to provide updates and information specifically to business owners. For access to the page, please contact Dana Steane at link) or phone 519.44BRANT (442.7268).
Business Forum
In October, County of Brant staff met with members of the Paris business community at a Downtown Business Forum. The forum provided an overview of changes to the Downtown Paris Master Plan, as well as additional details on the implementation schedule for the Downtown Dig. Businesses were also given the opportunity to hear from representatives from other communities that had went through similar reconstruction projects, as well as ask questions. Approximately 60 people attended the event.
View the presentation from this meeting.
Community Improvement Plan
County of Brant staff have made changes to the Community Improvement Plan (CIP) application process to allow businesses to make updates and changes to their businesses during the Downtown Dig. The CIP provides matching funding for eligible businesses and property owners to make improvements to both the interior and exterior of their buildings. These improvements can be made to improve the look of a building’s façade while maintaining its historic character, improve accessibility, and make internal improvements to add housing options in the downtown core. Businesses along the west side of Grand River Street North are encouraged to make improvements to the back entrances of their establishments during the Downtown Dig, providing shoppers with an alternative way to access their stores.
Changes to the CIP application process include allowing projects totaling $5,000 in grant value or less to be approved quicker, enabling business owners to meet their customer’s needs sooner. For more information about this program, visit or connect with the Economic Development team by emailing
Business Community Engage Brant page
The County of Brant has created an Engage Brant page specifically for Paris business owners. Businesses were sent an email invitation in May to access this private page on the Engage Brant website. If you did not receive an email, or the link you received is expired, please contact Dana Steane, Public Consultation Specialist, by email at or phone 519.732.8956.
Detour routes
Staff are actively working to create detour routes to ensure smooth traffic flow during the upcoming Downtown Dig project. These detours aim to minimize disruptions, maintain access to businesses and key areas throughout the construction period, and keep the public informed about the project.
Signage will be placed at key access points, not only near downtown Paris but also in areas commonly used by traffic traveling through Paris and the surrounding region. A detour map will also be available online.
As a number of areas will be impacted, we ask that you plan your trip ahead of time to avoid delays.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we finalize these plans to support our community!
Connect with us!
We invite you to visit the website, here you will find links to important resources for businesses and the community. “The Downtown Dig” Facebook and Instagram accounts have also been created, follow today!