What is the difference between climate and weather?

    Weather is happening from day to day and can be up or down. The climate is the overall trend of the weather in the long term. Weather has always varied widely but is expected to be more unpredictable with climate change.

    Why does climate change matter?

    In the County of Brant, changes to our climate are already noticeable with more extreme weather, heavier and unpredictable rainfall, hotter days, flooding, and more. Climate change poses significant challenges for the County, affecting both the natural environment and the community’s quality of life. Taking action to reduce and adapt to the impacts of climate change will help promote public health, energy cost savings, community safety, air and water quality, local ecology and biodiversity, economic stability, and more.

    What is climate adaptation?

    Climate adaptation means changing how we do things to live safely with our changing climate. This includes thinks like being prepared for weather-related emergencies so we are  safe during extreme weather events, planting rain-friendly gardens that help manage heavy rainfall and prevent flooding, and more. The goal is to reduce the damage caused by climate change and help communities continue to thrive despite the changing climate.

    What is climate mitigation?

    Climate mitigation is all about slowing down or stopping climate change by reducing and preventing the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. You can help by doing things like riding your bike instead of driving, conserving water and electricity, and eating or buying food that is produced locally. 

    Why does the County of Brant need a Climate Action Plan?

    The County has taken strides to promote climate action. Developing a clear roadmap will help us determine next steps and take smart, community-informed action for years to come. This plan will help the County respond to the climate emergency and reach our goal of becoming net carbon neutral by 2050.

    What is the role of the County in influencing climate action in the community?

    Everyone plays a role in supporting climate action. The County can take actions to support energy conservation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from corporate operations (such as County buildings, fleet, and waste). The County can also help support sustainability, climate mitigation, and adaptation at a community level through things like waste reduction efforts, investing in active transportation, and planting trees.

    What is the County doing to reduce corporate emissions?

    Different actions are being taken to mitigate climate change at a corporate level. Specifically, the County has been investing in renewable energy, designing sustainable new facilities, enhancing tracking of emissions, and exploring facility retrofits to promote energy conservation and reduce use of fossil fuels. These actions and more are outlined in the County’s Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan (ECDMP) 2024-2029. This five-year plan outlines objectives, measures, and specific projects related to conserving energy and reducing emissions from certain County facilities. The Climate Action Plan will build on recommendations outlined in the ECDMP.

    How are federal and/or provincial regulations and standards being considered in the County's climate action work?

    Each level of government plays a role in advancing climate mitigation and building resilience. The County of Brant’s Climate Action Plan will align with federal and provincial climate plans and actions to support local efforts.  


    In 2015, the Government of Canada adopted the Paris Agreement, a legally binding international treaty on climate change ratified by 196 national governments. Under this agreement, governments commit to accelerate and intensify the actions and investments needed to limit global average temperature rise and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degree Celsius globally. 

    To build on the momentum of the Paris Agreement, the federal government developed a comprehensive climate action plan, the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change (2016) in collaboration with provinces and territories, and in consultation with Indigenous peoples. This Framework is a guiding document for Canada to meet its emissions reduction targets, grow the economy, adapt to, and build resilience to a changing climate. Some actions to advance the framework include providing funding opportunities, implementing carbon pricing, and investing in clean technologies. 

    For more information on federal climate action, visit Canada.ca


    The Province of Ontario has implemented the Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan and is taking steps to protect natural resources and lower greenhouse gas emissions, while helping communities adapt to a changing climate. Investments in clean energy systems and renewable technologies are at the forefront as the province takes action to progressively transition from fossil fuels and boost the local economy. 

    For more information on provincial climate action, visit Ontario.ca