Brant in Bloom

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Submissions for Brant in Bloom closed on June 30, 2024. Thank you for participating!

The County of Brant is participating in this year's Communities in Bloom (CIB) event!

Communities in Bloom is a Canadian non-profit organization committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community involvement and an annual national program that challenges communities to enhance green spaces.

Submit your garden photos

As part of the Communities in Bloom celebrations, the County of Brant is inviting residents to take part by submitting photos of your gardens. One submission will be chosen to be included in the Communities in Bloom County of Brant Community Profile. The Community Profile is an interactive virtual tour that will be submitted to the Communities in Bloom judges prior to their in-person visit, which takes place in July. The interactive profile will also be shared with the public to participate in. Everyone is encouraged to plant orange (the colour of the year) as well as pollinator and native plants to help create a healthier ecosystem. To be considered for the Community Profile please submit your photos below. The deadline to submit is June 30, 2024.

For more information about Communities in Bloom in the County of Brant, please visit

Other ways to get involved

Participating is easy – help us make our community look its best by pulling weeds, sweeping your sidewalk, and picking up litter in your neighbourhood green spaces, vacant lots and local parks.

Show off your creativity by sprucing up your flowerbeds, baskets and planters. No project is too small! Get involved in the beautification and betterment of our community.

Judges Tour

Communities in Bloom judges will be touring the County of Brant July 18 and 19, 2024, to evaluate the accomplishments of the community (including municipal, corporate, organizational, and individual gardens) and award the Best in Bloom based on the following criteria:

  • community appearance
  • environmental action
  • heritage conservation
  • tree management and trails
  • landscape
  • plant and floral displays

The judging process is designed to encourage communities to work together to create beautiful, sustainable, and environmentally responsible spaces to enhance the quality of life of their residents.

Stay Informed

Scroll down to view and submit photos. See a photo below you like? Share the love by clicking the heart icon on the photos you like.

Subscribe for updates and be the first to learn more information. Add your email to the Stay Informed box on this page and click ‘Subscribe'.

The County of Brant is participating in this year's Communities in Bloom (CIB) event!

Communities in Bloom is a Canadian non-profit organization committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community involvement and an annual national program that challenges communities to enhance green spaces.

Submit your garden photos

As part of the Communities in Bloom celebrations, the County of Brant is inviting residents to take part by submitting photos of your gardens. One submission will be chosen to be included in the Communities in Bloom County of Brant Community Profile. The Community Profile is an interactive virtual tour that will be submitted to the Communities in Bloom judges prior to their in-person visit, which takes place in July. The interactive profile will also be shared with the public to participate in. Everyone is encouraged to plant orange (the colour of the year) as well as pollinator and native plants to help create a healthier ecosystem. To be considered for the Community Profile please submit your photos below. The deadline to submit is June 30, 2024.

For more information about Communities in Bloom in the County of Brant, please visit

Other ways to get involved

Participating is easy – help us make our community look its best by pulling weeds, sweeping your sidewalk, and picking up litter in your neighbourhood green spaces, vacant lots and local parks.

Show off your creativity by sprucing up your flowerbeds, baskets and planters. No project is too small! Get involved in the beautification and betterment of our community.

Judges Tour

Communities in Bloom judges will be touring the County of Brant July 18 and 19, 2024, to evaluate the accomplishments of the community (including municipal, corporate, organizational, and individual gardens) and award the Best in Bloom based on the following criteria:

  • community appearance
  • environmental action
  • heritage conservation
  • tree management and trails
  • landscape
  • plant and floral displays

The judging process is designed to encourage communities to work together to create beautiful, sustainable, and environmentally responsible spaces to enhance the quality of life of their residents.

Stay Informed

Scroll down to view and submit photos. See a photo below you like? Share the love by clicking the heart icon on the photos you like.

Subscribe for updates and be the first to learn more information. Add your email to the Stay Informed box on this page and click ‘Subscribe'.